It’s Black Friday, and instead of shopping till I drop, I’ll be with my hubby decorating our home for the holidays. To be honest, it seems like a happier way to spend my day than fighting someone for the last whatever-I-wanted-to-get-so-now-I’m-angry-with-the-world-item on sale. 😉
Before I start decorating, I wanted to drop by and just express my gratitude for all of the good and the not so good this year. I think it’s important to recognize that even those situations or scenarios that at first impact us negatively usually turn out to be blessings in disguise, or lessons to be learned on this crazy journey we call life.
Let’s start with the not so good, or so I thought:
I knew back in January that I needed to make a change to simplify my life and streamline my schedule to make sure I had time to really enjoy and live my life, not just go through the motions. After battling in my mind and heart for what seemed like forever, I made some lifestyle changes in the hopes I’d be able to improve my quality of life. Although it wasn’t a seamless transition, and I certainly doubted my decision several times throughout the entire process, I am truly thankful for all the little things I didn’t realize were affecting me before. All of the little things, going for walks with my husband before dinner, taking the time to really enjoy our home and spend more quality time together are just some of the blessings that are now parts of my life I can’t imagine being without. I can share more time with friends and family now, and I can really enjoy some alone time every so often. Now don’t get me wrong; I love sharing with others, but I also really love having time for myself. This is the time I can use to brainstorm, create, or just relax and drift away doing my own thing; whether it’s binging on silly Netflix shows or staring at the ceiling thinking of different ways to create or teach once I’m back at work. I guess sticking to my decision, although difficult, turned out to be just what I needed to really help me pause and enjoy life rather than letting it pass me by (I really do love my early evening walks with the hubby before dinner).
I think despite all of the regular daily struggles we all go through, I have so much to be thankful for. I do what I love for a living, and couldn’t see it any other way. I’ve worked very hard my entire life to be able to continue to make this a reality, but in the end I give thanks everyday because I am able to do so. I’ve met so many amazing young artists who are so passionate about what they do; it only inspires me even more to work harder and provide more opportunities for them so that they can continue to grow and thrive in their art form. I share my workspace with fellow educators who have the same passion for their art form and create an environment for their students where they feel safe and free to express themselves and truly grow, so for that I am also thankful. I’ve started working more freely with dancers, really opening up and stepping out of my comfort zone to create choreography, knowing they believe in me; and we mutually support each other in every way we can. I’ve also had the opportunity to explore new outlets for my creativity and love for dance. I’ve been able to work with dancers more closely through coaching sessions, and have had the opportunity to really focus on them and help them improve their craft without the pressures of time or strict scheduling. Other amazing dance opportunities have also become a reality, and make me truly grateful to be able to experience dance from a new perspective. More about those soon 😉
I feel I’ve really been able to grow as a teacher and coach, and find more opportunities as a choreographer this year. I’ve also been able to find more time to share with my family and friends and to enjoy life more freely, which has in turn given me more opportunities to let life all around me inspire me to work harder to become a better artist and person.
I hope your year has been just as great for you! I can’t wait to see what the holiday season brings!
I’ll be working on a few projects and preparing for others, but contact me if you’d like to work or create together!
Like I said, I love finding time to be inspired by others to explore and create new opportunities. 🙂
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